This project is currently just an attempt to offer an inexpensive and modular arcade stick as open source that anyone can assemble at home and adapt to their needs. I develop everything in my free time and use my own money for it without any financial interests. Therefore, I do not give any guarantees and ask for your understanding if something is not absolutely perfect.
My goal is to create a modifiable arcade stick that is affordable and can compete with the best on the market. This goal is very ambitious and requires a lot of testing, a lot of time and a lot of patience.
If you like my project, you are welcome to donate some money or hardware to support further development.
This project is a separate part of my controller project and if you have ideas for improving this joystick, please contact me 🙂
All information provided on this website may be downloaded and used free of charge for purely private purposes without any intention of sale.
The contents of this website are subject to the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and may not be sold or used for products intended for sale!